Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pioneer Stadium

As I walk onto the field, the B.O just fills my nostrils with a disgusting smell, the aroma of cologne mixed with sweat is not the best smell. The play clock starts to run, and Mario goes to kick the ball, it flies 42 yards and then the game begins. My adrenaline starts to pump and I'm ready to tackle someone, the hit is an instant burst of pain, but also a sense of achievement. It's the four and three, and all we have to do is hold them for one more down without letting them advance three more yards.  The center hikes the ball, and I sack the quarter back, it's as if I almost broke every bone in his fragile body.  Their defensive line has all beast's on it, and I'm a little bit worried.  I come out to talk to coach, and the trainers rush over and ask if I need anything, I need something to drink, so they give me purple grape flavored gatorade.  There're thirty seconds left in the game and we're up by three touchdowns.  The crowd goes wild and everybody is screaming.  After we win, we tell the other team "Good game", then we run over to the stand and sing the fight song for the fans.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Advertisement Analysis

Intensive factory farming is a method of raising large quantities of animals in a very controlled, unnatural setting, for the purpose of a mass producing ia "product" for human consumption.  The terrible treatment of these animals is a topic of great concern, so it has been the subject of ads that plead for the help of the general public.  "Billions of animals suffer the unnecessary pain and cruelty" as a result of intensive factory farming. We can stop the cruelty byu working together to spread awareness, to raise funds and to improve the current treatment of these animals.
       Most people are digusted when they hear stories of animal cruelty.  We do not want to be the ones responsible for the horrifying suffering of the animals we raise to feed ourselves.  A recent magazine ad describing the cruel treatment of piglets "without anesthetic," offers a comparison of the pain the animal feels with the same pain a human would feel.  This comparison brings the plight of the animals involved in intensive factory farming to a level of underswtanding we can identify with.  We are informed by the organization Compassion in World Farming, that the treatment of the animals raised in this environment is "unnecessary" and "cruel".  They state that "together" it would be possible to help these animals with the donations they collect.  The is no doubt that intensive factory farming is an unnatural way to raise animals, so the least we can do for them is to treat them humanely.
        The structure of the magazine ad is meant to get your attention and to make you sad.  The stark appearance of the black and white photograph of a helpless, innocent piglet makes its point.  The statement describing what is done to the "piglets teeth" before slaughter is sickening.  The Compassion in World Farming organization uses this method of adverstising to effectively make the reader pay attention to the desperate need to change the treatment of these animals.  They then offer a plea to the public to have compassion, and tghey try to get the public to take action to help.
         I do not like the idea of factory farming, and i wish it would not be necessary.  I do believe that we are running out of the physical space we need to raise animals to feed our growing world population.  Thus, making intensive factory farming a necessary evit.  I also believe that we have a responsibility to respect everything on this earth, and i agree with the organization placing this ad when it states that we should "work together to stop" the cruel, unnecessary pain inflicted upon these animals.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Internet Safety

My most important safety rule is account security.  If you don't change your password often and keep your account secure, then people could get into your account and mess things up or find out private information about you.